Limited Edition: 20 stk.
Format: 100×100 cm
Medie: Acrylprint på lærred

ROYAL SWAN er lavet i et lille begrænset oplag. Opspændt på blindramme, nummereret og signeret på bagsiden. Du kan bestille ved at sende mig en mail.

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The mute swan has been a much prized bird for many years. It appears to have been given Royal status in the 12th century, and thereafter, if a privately owned swan escaped, it became the property of the crown. By 1378 the office of ‘Keeper of the King’s Swans’ was in existence and in a document entitled “The Lawes, Orders and Customs for Swans”, dated 1482/3, the first law states that all swans owned by those who pay less than 5 marks a year Freehold were forefeit to the King. To own swans was, therefore, a status symbol and also provided a tasty ceremonial dish until superseded by the turkey early this century. It is recorded that in 1874, Prince Leopold, Queen Victoria’s youngest son, sent one to his Oxford tutor, Dr. Ackland, for his family’s Christmas dinner.